The Oxford City Council meeting to ratify the land deal between the Council and the football club was held today. It started at 4.00pm and United were the last item on the agenda. Bearing in mind that these Councillors can talk for ages about nothing of any substance it is quite possible that nothing has been decided even whilst you're reading this. News will be posted when it's known.
It has been confirmed that British Rail Properties Board is acting in tandem with Pentith in seeking a Judicial Review over the Council's decision to grant planning permission for the multiplex and GOSE's decision not to have the application called in. It would appear that BRPB are most upset with the City Council for neglecting the Oxpens scheme in favour of Minchery Farm, and for not talking to them. They were also unaware about the latest City Council scheme to develop Oxpens, surprising considering they own about 8 acres of the site.
United's reserves lost for the first time this season, going down 3-1 at Barnet. Oxford's goal was scored by Ben Abbey, and the side also featured Frankie Bennett, Portuguese triallist Fua and Irish right back triallist Darren Lonegan.
Elsewhere Manchester United have unsurprisingly announced their support for a plan to reduce the Premiership to 16 teams, in line with recommendations from UEFA. Fewer teams means more money for the elite. Gits.
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