Stirring Giant

From the Rage Online newsdesk Tuesday, September 17th, 2002  

If you go down Grenoble Road
Look out for the giant who’s sleeping.
In truth, it’s not much of a giant,
But you’ll hear it gently weeping.

You have to listen for the sound,
Because you’ll never find a sign.
The owners say they’ll put one up,
But it’s going to take some time.

Meanwhile, someone has shook things up,
The ‘stars’ jump out their skins.
Who’s the saviour to move things on?
Why, if it isn’t Ian Atkins!

Into the market he did plunge,
To snap up what’s around.
Now Jamie Hunt and Bobby Ford
Do grace the owner’s ground.

With Bash and Steele, McNiven too,
And Robbo on the lawn,
The side does start to play a bit,
Even Savage seems reborn!

So come down to Grenoble Road,
You may hear the weeping stop.
As the Mighty Yellows start to play,
And head back to the top.

Myles Francis

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 17th, 2002 at 12:00 am and appears under Crap Poetry.

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