From the Rage Online newsdesk Friday, September 1st, 1995  

The captain, big and strong,
fearless and brave,
wears his captain’s armband with pride.
It is his badge of courage
and symbolises his arrival as a
leader of men.
As a callow youth he dreamed
of holding aloft the FA Cup
as captain of the winning team
and now, here he is,
leading his side onto the hallowed turf.
Okay, so the Manor’s not quite Wembley,
and it would be hard to confuse the atmosphere
of the wrong end of Division Two
with a Cup Final
but dreams are flexible
and besides,
he’d probably drop the bloody thing anyway.

Percy Bysshe Brodetsky

This entry was posted on Friday, September 1st, 1995 at 12:00 am and appears under Crap Poetry.

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